Are you getting crickets on your posts?🦗😱
Let me ask you a question...
What do you do when you see a commercial that doesn’t interest you?
How about an ad on social media?
That’s right you change the channel or scroll past the ad.
Why? Because whatever they were offering didn’t interest you.
It didn’t solve a problem you have.
It didn't offer something that you want or can use.
When someone doesn’t comment or like your posts after seeing them, the algorithm shows it to fewer people.☹️
Facebook has one goal and that is to show posts and content that people engage with.
So before blaming a group, the platform, etc take a hard look at what you are posting and put yourself in your potential customer's shoes.
Ask yourself:
✔️Does this make me want to comment and/or react?
✔️Does it catch my attention?
✔️Does it offer me something I can relate to?
✔️Does it offer value?