Are You A Jack Of All Trades Or Master Of One?

How Becoming a Specialist Will Help Your Career

You might be a top perfomer at work, but if youre asked to fix a televison set, you're likely to find the task fustrating. You lack the special skills, such as the ability to read a circuit diagram, needed to understan the problem, let alone solve it. The same principle applies to generalists and specialists.


As a generalist, you're hired to handle a wide rage of responsibilities. You're expected to be abale to handle whatever comes your way, from applying makeup to handling sales. While that broad skillset can come in handy in certain situations, it can be a drawback in others.


Specialists by contrast, have deep focused skills that allow them to excel at a specific task. A specialist work is likely well above average, and his or her perfomamnce and productivity can be expected to be high. This is one of the reasons why specialists are highly valued.


But How Do You Become a Specialist?


A specialist builds expertise in a particular niche. They know their market inside and out, and they know their customer needs and competitors strengths, weaknesses and threats. 


Strong specialists find a niche product. The research it, learn about it, experiment, test and learn. They never stop learning. They build expertise by conducting market research, looking for gaps in the market, researching competitiors, and communicating with customers. 


Strong specialists understand their customers. They know what their customers want, what they need, and what they value. They know how to deliver value in a way that's relevant and useful to their audience.


That's all for today folks. You have only 2 months left of 2022.


What are you going to do to separate yourself from the pack?

How are you going to be someone who is known for their area of expertise?





Russ N

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