Someone has told you that your prices are too high 😲

What do you do?

A. Lower Your Prices to suit their limiting beliefs
B. Raise Your Vibrations to attract clients who are on your level of awareness
C. Increase the Value of your Offer

Which one do you choose?

The truth is, your offer is probably not overpriced, and you’re worthy to charge what you believe is right for your services or products as long as it's not motivated by greed and product brings value to people. 🙋🏽‍♀️

Who is anyone to tell you to shrink or reduce your worth? Remember, that everyone has their own limiting beliefs and feelings of self worth. Other people’s opinion is not the determining factor for your worth. 🙅🏼‍♀️

Keep believing in yourself, keep charging your worth and serving your clients with most integrity. 💗
Time to raise your vibrations and not lower your prices ladies💥
